Note: If you find any that I miss, feel free to add them as a comment. Let the mocking commence.
- She runs away from the prince. Seriously? What kind of girl runs away from hot men? I do not understand. She sings this big huge song that ends with, "I'm wishing (I'm wishing), for the one I love, to find me (to find me), today!" And then the prince comes up and sings today instead of the echo, and she runs away. He can sing, he's a prince, he has a freaking stellar steed, I don't understand why she runs. Big mistake.
- She goes into the forest alone with a guy who has a black mustache. This chick needs to realize that she's in a movie, and to never trust anyone with a big black mustache. Use that brain! Oh wait, that's what's with the huge white collar, to hold in what brains she has left. Excuse me, I forget.
- She picks up the bird that has fallen from the nest. How does she know that he's not sick? Can you say diseases? That's the end of my attempting witty remarks on this matter.
- Breaking and entering. Need I say more?
- Snow White assumes that a family with 7 children lives in the cottage when there's a pickax jammed in the table. I mean, I live with 2 completely psycho little boys, but my parents would never let them use a pickax as a toy.
- She assures the dwarfs that the White Queen will not find her there. Everyone knows about the White Queen's magic mirror that tells her everything. Let me repeat that. The White Queen's magic mirror tells her everything. Apparently Snow White feels that her whereabouts do not fall under the heading of everything.
- She orders the dwarfs around. Think about it. 7 men armed with pickaxes. I don't care if they're little, that could've ended a lot differently. Last I checked, little men are easily angered when being ordered around. Snow White risks her life over clean hands. Hmmm.
- Snow White lets rodents and birds assist her in baking pies. The squirrels walk all over the pie and the birds scratch the slits in the top crust. Diseases, woman! Diseases!
- She let the creepy old hag inside the house. First of all, it's not her house to let people into. Second of all, and old warty woman who practically has a beard. The lady's being followed by vultures. That's only slightly suspicious.
- SHE EATS THE APPLE FROM THE CREEPY OLD HAG! Ok, I get that her IQ is pretty low, but don't eat the freaking apple from this ancient woman who looks like she ate maggots for breakfast. This is about as stupid as you can get. Not to forget that it's the only red apple in a basket of green apples. Just a small dead giveaway.
- She doesn't question what in the heck happened to her or why she was laying in a glass coffin. Would that raise questions in anyone else's mind? It sure would in mine. Pretty sure I would be more curious why I was in my casket than that a man was standing in front of me. Can you say shallow?
- She rides away with the prince that she hasn't even had a conversation with. For all she knows, he could be some super creeper. Courtship is advised in the majority of situations. Also, his castle is in the sky. Can't you see that conversation? "Oh yeah, I don't really know how to get to my house, so we're kind of hobos." (Insert awkward turtle here)
Just so everyone knows, I love the movie Snow White. It's absolutely genius, but the actual character isn't. Here ends my mocking of aireheaded girls, I hope you've enjoyed it.
P.S. Does anyone else find Snow White's voice extremely annoying? Think about it.