Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm Going To Put This Flat Out...

...People who can't take the truth drive me insane. As you may have gathered, this is quite a problem in my life. Every day, it seems that I manage to accidentally make someone angry at me because I didn't beat around the bush. High school, what do you have against me? Why is there so much drama? Then I get home, and I can say whatever I want, be who I've grown up to be. Having been raised with three brothers, the person I am ignores the bush. I plow the bush. Call me the bush plower. At home, my brothers will shrug any statement off and tell me where I screw up.

I like to think that when this happens, I can take what I dish out. I fancy that when someone tells me that I'm horrible at something or that I'm wrong, that I absorb it and move on with life, that the person who told me doesn't walk away just a tad bit peeved off because they're soaked in drama from my outburst. In all honesty, I don't think this happens; I am pretty sure that I get defensive. But hey, at least I realize that, right? Right? At least people don't walk away from me covered in yogurt. What did you say? It sounds like there's a story behind that? Well, only because you brought it up will I tell you.

Today I was at lunch, and someone, we'll call her Jane, said that she had to tell me something. Jane paused, and said that she would tell me later because "Lily" was present, and Lily can't keep a secret. Due to my polite-ness level being zero, I told Jane that she was being a hypocrite. Baffled, Jane asked what I meant. As I am, I told her that she couldn't keep a secret. Small thing, huge reaction. I ended up with yogurt all over my face. And hair. And sweater. Oh Jane, dear dear Jane. Excuse me, but I thought that you were over the age of five. I'm sorry that I was under the incorrect impression. Granted, it's probably my own fault. I didn't frolic around the bush. No, because I, my dear friends, am the bush plower.

Bush Plower. I think I'll make this my Indian name. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that it was socially acceptable to criticize Jane. All I'm saying is that it should be. People should stop being insecure and just try to improve themselves. End of story. Think of how simple life would be if everyone knew everything about everyone. No hiding, no secrets, no lies. I guess that I will soon have to come to the realization that life, sadly, is not this way. It never will be. Life can not change just for me. However, I can change for life.

Will I?

Probably not. Because I am me, and life needs to get over it. Anyone seen that bush I'm supposed to be avoiding?


  1. I feel ya my friend. I get into interesting situations because happens to be, I'm like you! Jane? ha. That made me laugh. You are great.

  2. That is a neat story. I know where you are coming from. Ask you Dad how he would have responded, very similiar i bet. Hope your sweater wasn't ruined. Love you
